Hide text messages, create hidden contacts.
It''s disguised as "FuzzyBalls".
When you open the app, you would see bouncing balls. But wait till you see what happens when you shake the mobile.
Shake the mobile, enter password and you are in. Here you can do settings, send text messages, check the hidden messages.
No one will come to know that anything like text/sms hiding app even exists on the phone! Even notifications are disguised.
1. Disguised as FuzzyBalls (Bouncing balls)
2. FuzzyBalls is really cool & engaging activity in itself. It looks like a true application.
3. Check hidden messages.
4. Select as many contacts as you wish whose messages you want to hide.
5. Backup in XML & txt format.
6. Import facility. (Even if you lose your hidden messages, you can restored them back by importing xml file.)
7. Notification for new text messages. It will say "FuzzyBalls" update available whenever you get new text message.
8. Undo sms option.
9. Strong shake event. So even if ''by mistake'' some one shakes mobile slowly, your cover would not be exposed. :-)
10. Option to enable sounds / vibrations on notification.
11. Create a totally hidden contact which will not interfere with any other app in any way.
You can download at: http://apk.cuaban.net/detail/12756/Fuzzy-Balls---Lite.html
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